The Role
Connect existing Fox Cities community organizations, groups, and associations to Imagine Fox Cities with the goal of supporting the work of these groups that helps advance the Fox Cities Living Vision.
This will be done by developing authentic, mutually supportive relationships between IFC and prioritized community organizations, groups, and associations via IFC Liaisons. These liaisons will seek first to understand the partner organization, group or association and their purpose and goals, and then explore together how IFC can be of support in efforts that align with the Living Vision.
Specifically, the following are examples of responsibilities of an IFC Liaison:
- Serve as a connector between IFC and an organization, group, association
- Seek first to understand the organization, group, association’s purpose and goals and alignment with IFC Living Vision
- Share background of IFC, the vision, and appreciate aligned work
- Attend IFC Liaison info sessions/watch recorded zoom meetings as needed to stay on top of IFC happenings (possibly up to 1 hour commitment per month)
- Use online Toolkit as needed resource for content.
- Watch for IFC “Liaison” communications and regularly check out IFC Liaison web page for IFC updates
- Continually ask about/think about how IFC can be of support to the organization’s work and share back with IFC Engagement Team
- Make connections to similar groups across the area
- Shine spotlight on their work through stories and communication
- Bring new talent and perspectives to the group
- Maintain bidirectional communication work, activities, and events of both IFC and partner entity
- Recruit additional Liaisons for prioritized organizations, groups, associations
Partner Organizations, Groups, Associations
Criteria for Identification of Partners to be assigned Liaisons
- The organization’s work is aligned with the Living Vision
- The organization exists within the Fox Cities and primarily serves the Fox Cities
- Populations that have been historically excluded and not “at the table”
- Populations we were not able to engage in past Convening or IFC overall
- The organization has interest and desire to be engaged with IFC
- The organization doesn’t have capacity to have someone “at the IFC table” regularly at this time
Who should be an IFC Liaison?
Anyone who:
- Has a humble presence and great appreciation for all people and cultures of our community
- Sees themselves as a “connector”
- Is already engaged in key organizations, groups, and associations
- Has a personal interest in a key organization, group or association
- Is able to see how IFC and existing community efforts are integrated
- Is a good listener AND communicator